Jon Voight Defends Israel, Expresses Disappointment in Daughter Angelina Jolie’s Criticism


Esteemed American actor and known conservative, Jon Voight, recently took a stand in defense of Israel. This came in response to his daughter, Angelina Jolie’s criticism of the country’s reaction to the Hamas terror attack on October 7. Voight expressed his disappointment in his daughter’s stance, stating that she, like many others, lacks an understanding of God’s honor and truths.

In a video message shared on Instagram, Voight passionately defended Israel’s right to protect its land and people. He emphasized the importance of the Holy Land, the land of the Jews, and the need for justice for God’s children residing there. Voight asserted that the Israeli army must safeguard their soil and their people, as they are currently engaged in a war that cannot be civil.

Voight further criticized the Palestinian terrorists’ intent to eradicate Jews and Christians. He pointed out that despite receiving substantial financial aid, the Palestinians have misused these funds. Instead of utilizing the money to uplift their people, they have used it to procure weapons and commit acts of terrorism.

The actor also took issue with Jolie’s description of Gaza as an “open-air prison.” Jolie had stated, “This is the deliberate bombing of a trapped population who have nowhere to flee.” Voight found this perspective misguided, given the context of the ongoing conflict and the threats faced by Israel.

Jolie has served as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations for several years and has worked extensively with refugees. While her past work is commendable, Voight believes she needs to reconsider her views on Israel. He suggests that she could benefit from some paternal wisdom on the matter.

Voight has long been a defender of liberty and conservatism. His recent comments reflect his unwavering support for Israel and his commitment to conservative values. He has previously criticized the Biden administration, referring to it as a “corrupt mob.”

Voight’s defense of Israel and his disappointment in his daughter’s criticism have sparked conversations about the ongoing conflict. His comments highlight the complexities of the situation and the need for a nuanced understanding of the issues at hand.

In conclusion, Jon Voight’s recent statements underscore the importance of understanding the historical and religious significance of the Holy Land. They also emphasize the necessity for Israel to protect its people and land from terrorist threats. His remarks serve as a reminder that the ongoing conflict is far from black and white, requiring thoughtful consideration and dialogue.