New York Congressional Candidate Who Wants MAGA Supporters to “Die”


The political landscape in New York has been shaken by a shocking statement from a Democrat congressional candidate, one that has sparked outrage and disbelief among conservatives. In a recent interview, the candidate boldly declared that supporters of former President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) movement should "die".

While the statement has been met with fierce criticism, it has also revealed the deep-seated biases and radical agendas of the left. As a conservative, it is imperative to shed light on this disturbing incident and examine its implications from our point of view.

First and foremost, let us address the blatant bigotry and hatred behind the candidate's words. It is appalling to see a political figure openly calling for the death of a particular group of individuals, solely based on their political beliefs. This goes against the very principles of democracy and tolerance that our country was founded upon. It is unacceptable and must be condemned by all, regardless of their political affiliation.

Furthermore, the fact that this candidate is a Democrat only highlights the growing extremism within the party. While conservatives have long been labeled as intolerant and divisive, it is evident that the left is also plagued by individuals who promote violence and discrimination towards those with different viewpoints. This is a concerning trend that must be addressed, as it undermines the basic principles of a fair and just society.

Moreover, it is important to note the underlying agenda of this candidate and others like her. By advocating for the death of MAGA supporters, she is essentially trying to silence and intimidate those who hold different beliefs. This is a clear attack on our right to freedom of speech and expression, and it cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. Conservatives must continue to stand firm in our beliefs and refuse to be silenced by such hateful rhetoric.

In addition, the candidate's statement exposes the double standards of the left. Imagine the uproar if a conservative candidate had made a similar comment about supporters of the Democratic party. The media and liberal activists would have immediately labeled them as a "racist" or "fascist", yet when it comes from one of their own, it is brushed off and defended. This blatant hypocrisy must be called out and exposed.

Furthermore, it is clear that this candidate is out of touch with the majority of Americans. Despite what the mainstream media may portray, the MAGA movement has millions of supporters across the country, and they cannot simply be dismissed or wished away. As a conservative, I firmly believe that every individual has the right to their own beliefs and opinions, and that includes those who support President Trump and his policies.

In conclusion, the recent statement from this New York congressional candidate is a stark reminder of the deep divisions within our society and the dangers of political extremism. As conservatives, we must continue to stand up against such hate and intolerance, and promote unity and understanding among all Americans. It is our duty to ensure that our country remains a beacon of freedom and democracy, where every voice is heard and respected. Let us not be silenced, but instead, let our voices be heard loud and clear – MAGA will not die.

What are YOUR thoughts?

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  1. IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS PERSON IS CALLING FOR MAGA PATRIOTS TO DIE. Are DEMOCRATS that afraid of what is coming to say MAGA PATRIOTS NEED TO DIE. They have nothing better to say than that. This show that they have nothing better than VIOLENCE TO SHOW (WE THE PEOPLE) WHO ARE THE GOVERNMENT, NOT THE PEOPLE who are voted in to office!! Please keep it peaceful and stop poking the bear!!!! MAGA PATRIOTS FOREVER!!!

  2. Crimes against humanity! Threats of death, denying access to food, Spraying skies, ground, water supplies w toxins, harming chemicals in medicine, Endangering children with wrongful education, allowing unsafe individuals to enter our borders, destroying our history, the list goes on !!!

  3. Why has he not been arrested for inciting violence? If he wasn’t a demoncrat he can say what he wants, if I say that about the demoncrats I’d be probably in jail.

  4. They should be arrested for any threat of death! Put a stop to it now! The left must be building a force to start killing people!

  5. Take his name and remind him that he can be deported permanently for treason or perhaps he would rather be hanged for that.

  6. Your thoughts are somewhat welcome. At least the part where you at least acknowledge that BOTH sides are contributors. Then you lean to the left and it sounds like you are blaming Democrats alone for their actions. When it comes down to it, most people are idiots!
    I do not know this person in the video, I do not agree with this person. At one point you refer to this person. Is it a male or female? Nevermind, I do not care. Hate comes in the form of both sexes.
    You must have accidentally posted the wrong video as they didn’t back up your comments, I heard, trump is old (true), he’s going to die (true) Eventually everyone does. A lot of these maga people, they ain’t young (to be fair, there are probably some young ones too). Where is the video that wishes death to trump, maga or his followers? I know you can do better than this. Do not be like a politician and spin it like they do. You started leaning again and started pointed your finger at democrats as if republicans would never say or do that sort of thing. On Jan. 6th did you mute the TV when they yelled “Hang Mike Pence”? Did cable suddenly go out when the windows were busted, the damage was being done during their peaceful tour of the White House? And then the republicans told the people watching not to believe their lying eyes? I am one small voice drowned out by the masses. If you have more followers, I invite you to help me spread the TRUTH good or bad. We need to be informed. Does anyone else see that there is a democratic party with any voices and a republican party which seems to believe it is best for one single person to be heard? Is that what you really want? No voice? No opinion? No beliefs? Why does the republican party who has, in the past, had many voices, but now stays quiet until one person tells them what to think? And then it’s ALL IN.
    Chek the history books. There were still disagreements, but eventually there was some give and take. This divide and conquer way of government was instigated by one person. The attitude of “Take EVERYTHING and Give NOTHING” has gotten the people that matter absolutely Nowhere! We The People…deserve so much better. We The People…DEMAND Better. A Change must be made and only WE can effect change.
    I am not a fan of politicians but worse, I abhor liers. I am not on either side, I am on my side! Your thoughts?

  7. I’m fed up with these agendas that keep both parties attacking each other and having no debates about how each party can solve the problems we’re facing!! They’re always talking about how bad the other party is not doing enough to solve anything but not doing anything to solve the problems themselves! All they have done is spend money we don’t have!!! Are deficit
    for our country is to high but the elected officials don’t care!! They are spending our tax dollars on agendas that matter only to the few and elite that don’t solve the major problems that we face! Why is it so difficult for our government officials to have common sense to solve problems?! BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE TO PAY IT BACK THEMSELVES!! THEY literally leave the payment to the taxpayer’s and there is no accountability for these officials who are doing this to the taxpayers of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!

  8. This is hate speech anyone who say things like he did is mentally sick and
    needs to be in a mental facility not allowed to be running for office in the USA. Let stop these people now. Right now there is to much hate speech in this Country … Neesds to be stop now.


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